some useful sites, relatively unknown. look 4 the green boxes.
Name | Discipline(s) | Description | Access Cost | Provider(s) |
Academic Publications eJournal | Multidisciplinary science (student based) | Student driven research abstracts, posters, articles, science specific search engine, public forum | Free | APeJ search |
Academic Reference and Research Index | Multidisciplinary | Academic search engine for college students including only web sites recommended by teachers, librarians, and library and educational consortia | Free | Dr. Michael Bell |
Academic Search | Multidisciplinary | Several versions: Complete, Elite, Premier, and Alumni Edition | Subscription | EBSCO Publishing |
Aerospace & High Technology Database | Aerospace, Aeronautics, Astronautics | Subscription | ProQuest | |
AJOL: African Journals OnLine | Multidisciplinary | Scholarly journals published in Africa | Free abstracts; Subscription full-text | African Journals OnLine |
AgeLine | Sociology, Gerontology | Includes information on aging-related topics, including economics, public health and policy. | Subscription | EBSCO Publishing |
AGRICOLA: Agricultural Online Access | Agriculture | Free & Subscription | Produced by the United States National Agricultural Library. Free access provided by NAL. Subscription access provided by Proquest, OVID. | |
AGRIS: Agricultural database | Agriculture | Covers agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, aquatic sciences and fisheries, human nutrition, extension literature from over 100 participating countries.
Material includes unique grey literature such as unpublished scientific and technical reports, theses, conference papers, government publications, and more. |
Free | Produced by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. AGRIS |
Airiti Inc | Multidisciplinary | China, Taiwan. | Subscription | Airiti Inc |
Analytical Abstracts | Chemistry | Subscription | Royal Society of Chemistry | |
Analytical sciences digital library | Analytical sciences | Free | National Science Digital Library and the Analytical Chemistry Division of the American Chemical Society | |
Anthropological Index Online | Anthropology | Index only (no abstracts or full-text). | Free | Royal Anthropological Institute |
Anthropological Literature | Anthropology | Free to Harvard faculty, staff and students. Subscription for non-Harvard access. | Maintained by Harvard University. Non-Harvard access provided by OCLC | |
Arachne | Archaeology, Art history | German language | Free | German Archaeological Institute & the University of Cologne, administered by Reinhard Foertsch |
Arastirmax | Multidisciplinary, Scientific Publication Index | Reviewed Scientific Journals and articles | Free | |
Arnetminer | Computer Science | Online service used to index and search academic social networks | Free | Tsinghua University |
Arts & Humanities Citation Index | Arts, Humanities | Part of Web of Science | Subscription | Thomson Reuters |
arXiv | Physics, Mathematics, Computer science, Nonlinear sciences, Quantitative biology and Statistics | Free | Cornell University | |
Association for Computing Machinery Digital Library | Computer Science, Engineering | Subscription | Association for Computing Machinery | |
Astrophysics Data System | Astrophysics, Geophysics, Physics | Free | Harvard University | |
ATLA Religion Database | Religious studies | Provides information on topics such as biblical studies, world religions, church history, and religion in social issues | Subscription | |
AULIMP: Air University Library's Index to Military Periodicals | Military Science | Free | Air University | |
Autochtonia | Multidisciplinary | Database grouping more than 12.000 references about First Nations in Quebec, Canada and the rest of the world. | Free | Produced by Dialog, Réseau de recherche et de connaissances relatives aux peuples autochtones |
BASE: Bielefeld Academic Search Engine | Multidisciplinary | Free | Bielefeld University | |
Beilstein database | Organic chemistry | Subscription | Available from Elsevier under the product name Reaxys[ | |
Biological Abstracts | Biology | A complete collection of bibliographic references covering life science and biomedical research literature published from more than 4,000 journals internationally. | Subscription | Available from Thomson Reuters |
BioOne | Biology, Ecology, and Environmental Science | An aggregation of over 78,000 peer-reviewed, full-text articles on current research in Biodiversity Conservation, Biology, Ecology, Plant Sciences, Entomology, Ornithology, and Zoology. | Free Abstract & References, Subscription Collections, and an Open Access Collection | Available from BioOne |
Bioinformatic Harvester | Biology, Bioinformatics | A meta search engine for 50 major bioinformatic databases and projects. | Free | Available from Liebel-Lab KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Book Review Index Online | Book reviews | Subscription | Thomson Gale | |
Books In Print | Books | Subscription | R.R. Bowker | |
CAB Abstracts | Applied Life Sciences | Bibliographic information service providing access to applied life sciences literature. | Subscription | CABI |
Chemical Abstracts Service | Chemistry | Subscription | American Chemical Society | |
ChemXSeer | Chemistry | Free | Pennsylvania State University | |
Chinese Social Science Citation Index | Social sciences | Subscription | Nanjing University | |
Cochrane Library | Medicine, Healthcare | Includes reviews of research to promote evidence-based healthcare. | Subscription | Wiley Interscience |
CINAHL: Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health | Nursing, Allied Health | Subscription | EBSCO | |
CHBD: Circumpolar Health Bibliographic Database | Medicine | Free | University of Calgary | |
**links to the databases were not working, the green ones are now, some red ones too.
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