Zeta (ζ) Cetus, Baten Kaitos, is a topaz yellow star in the Whale or Sea Monster. Fixed star: BATEN KAITOS Constellation: Zeta (ζ) Cetus Longitude 1900: 20ARI33 Longitude 2000: 21ARI57 Declination 1900: -10.50' Declination 2000: -10.20' Right ascension: 01h 51m Latitude: -20.20' Spectral class: K0 Magnitude: 3.9 Baten Kaitos is the Arabian Al Batn al Kaitos , the Whale's Belly, although the star is higher up in the body. The Alfonsine Tables had Batenkaiton and Batenel Kaitos ; and English writer on globes John Chilmead (circa 1639), Boten . In astrology it portended falls and blows. [Star Names, Their Lore and Meaning, Richard Hinckley Allen, 1889]. The astrological influences of the star Baten Kaitos: It gives compulsory transportation, change or emigration, misfortune by force or accident, shipwreck but also rescue, falls and blows. [Robson*, p.145.] The Whale really means "monster". The Saturnine properties, such as inhibiti...