
A mostrar mensagens de fevereiro, 2013


hey mate, will you be able to handle the perils that threaten thrill seeking souls? will you be able to skid on the edge of chance? will you be able to capacitate yourself that all you said was concrete and solid? and that you did actually walk upon those words with honour until they broke into pieces of shattered meaning. but all they demand of you is that you break the deadlock with charm and elegance. hey mate, you're beaten and down by law and still hold your head up high. but they'll take you when you're sleeping in bed at night, masters of the art of displacement. next you're playing chess in a court against yourself, talking about the weather. but you had your intentions, and your faith. you walked and jumped on top of their skyscrapers, and you did it with style and groove and you didn't bother to look down. but the law is ever above and now you are under, checkmate, talking things about the weather.


There is a particular richness of musical invention in Puccini’s Turandot, but richer still is the variety of ways in which the old tale of the ‘ice princess’ has been used throughout the centuries. In fact, few subjects have inspired so many theatrical interpretations, ranging from the commedia dell’arte of the 18th century to the 20th century’s Theatre of the Absurd. Of the twelve operas that have been written about Turandot (thirteen if one counts a vaudeville of 1729), no fewer than six were composed during Puccini’s lifetime. His is the only version still performed on a regular basis. In the Near East, the story has been known for close on a thousand years, and even today, folk-tales persist in the Iranian region about an irresistible princess of China and her potentially fatal challenges to unwanted suitors. Turandot (Turan-doxt, Turandoct, Tourandocte or Turandokht) is a Persian name meaning ‘the daughter of Turan’ - Turan being the Persian name for Central Asia. Persia ...